Corazon de Swiss

May 26, 2008

Happy Birthday to Mii!

Filed under: All Things Wedding,Cheesepuff,It's All About Me — by corazondeswiss @ 6:53 pm

Because CP gave me the Wii that I wanted for Christmas (when I got golf clubs)!!  My parents gave me the Wii Fit system for it.  I have been having a blast playing.  And Janet it will tell you that you’re fat.  But no worries, you can lock your Mii (that’s your little character you create) with a password so no one knows exactly how what your numbers are.  Boxing is really fun and I’m sore from all the fun I’ve been having playing games with CP and my family.  This is the first time in my life I wanted a video game system and I’m so excited about it!

We also had a busy weekend registering for our wedding gifts at Dillards, BB&B and a local store.  I don’t mind telling you, picking out wedding presents is hard work!  (Esp. if you are wearing heeled sandals that aren’t great for walking around BB&B for a couple of hours)  And also if you go to the new Dillards where they don’t have a full time registry consultant, the power goes out during the middle of your registering.  And the person helping you makes you feel bad for registering at other stores. But its finished and we’re all registered and I’m making adjustments as needed. 


  1. Happy Birthday!! I am insanely curious about the Wii Fit. AS’s roommate has a Wii, which we enjoy, but I can’t exactly go buying accessories for it!

    Comment by Laurel — May 27, 2008 @ 9:51 am |Reply

  2. oh dear, I just don’t know if I’m ready for that! lol

    Happy Birthday!

    Comment by janet — May 27, 2008 @ 11:05 am |Reply

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