Corazon de Swiss

April 15, 2007


Filed under: Random Cheesiness,Workin' for a living — by corazondeswiss @ 10:43 am

Internet, I have been sick.  Sick like I have not been in about 3 years.  Multiple, violent episodes of emesis (new word I learned at work, the medical term for barf).  Plus, watery bowels.  It all began Friday morning and resulted in me calling into work.  Which I don’t do.  Because 1. I’m in the “just hired” probationary period at work which = no pay for missed day and B. I only call in when I am truly too sick to work.  Which I was.  So far I have not eaten a lot of real food…mostly soup and milkshakes (vanilla).  Drinking lots of Gatorade, Sprite and sleep/rest.  Fortunately, I live in a place where I can say, please, go to the store and get me Gatorade and Sprite.  And when you come back bring me the remote, phone and an emesis container so I can just die here on the couch.  So, obviously I haven’t died.  And I plan to go back to work tomorrow (Knock on wood!) 
Fortunately getting better does not depend on what’s on tv, because let me just tell you, there is nothing on.  At all.  So I’m off to watching nothing at all on tv and drink more Gatorade, Sprite and soup…

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