Corazon de Swiss

January 31, 2007

I’m movin’ on…

Filed under: I'm Movin' On — by corazondeswiss @ 5:35 pm

So, I’m all moved.  As in, all of my stuff got on a truck or in a car and made its way to my hometown.  Most of it went to storage and some of it traveled to my parents house.  The cats and I are safely ensconced in their house.  We have not unpacked everything yet.  I managed to get an upper respiratory infection and I had to go to the walk-in clinic on Sunday morning.  Then I met my dad, brother and some friends to help with unloading into the storage unit. (Monday we had to rent a second one to contain the last of my stuff and the furniture moved out of my parents house to accomodate my furniture).  I was so exhausted from all that.  Plus, my nephew came to spend the night and woke up at 3 and again at 5.  Monday, my aunt came over and we all went out to the opening of the new driver’s license office, lunch at our friends’ cafe, and shopping at Wal-Mart and Sams. 

Yesterday I went into work to get paperwork done, banking done, cell phone changed and pick up forgotten items from Target.  And no kidding, it was NOT my day.  First they asked me for proof of my positive PPD (TB test).  It’s been like 4+ years.  Who keeps that around.  And if I did, I probably couldn’t get to it anyway because I filed it in my filing cabinet.  Which is in storage.  At the bottom.  Under lots of stuff.  I couldn’t get to it if I wanted to.  My mom knows some people, so she found a way around me calling up the university where I first had a postive test reading. 
I went to the credit union.  They closed my checking account in the 3 years since I’ve moved away and come back.  I had to have $25 to open a new one.  Do I have $25 on me?  No.  Do I have the checkbook to my other account?  No.  I don’t keep my checkbook with me.  I have to go and get $25 in cash and come back to open an account at the credit union.  WHERE I USED TO HAVE A DAMN CHECKING ACCOUNT.
And I went to Target.   And bought my self a 12 pack of cokes.  You know what happened in the parking lot don’t you?  The *#&@)!$ box broke and my cokes went all over the parking lot.  Yes.  Really.  It wasn’t my day. 
Today was apparently not my day either.  I wanted to order checks online for my new checking account but couldn’t because I didn’t have the MICR #.  And for your safety, they won’t give it to you over the phone.  You have to go in and get it face to face.  This after I have to give my member number, name, last 4 of my social, password in order to get any damn information.  WTF?!!!  Ugh!  But I did get my chest x-ray (50 minutes of waiting for a 5 minute x-ray!)  And I bought myself a couple of presents when at the mall today. 
And in between I’ve been getting in lots of nephew quality time.  Yay!!  Who should be getting up from his nap, so I’m off to check on him. 

January 24, 2007

I have not fallen off the face of the earth. But I am going crazy and I’m afraid when I get there they’ll send me back.

Filed under: I'm Movin' On,Workin' for a living — by corazondeswiss @ 11:22 pm

SER. I. OUS. LY.  I feel like I am totally out of my mind.  I have been packing boxes for weeks.  Literally.  And I STILL have more to pack.  I ordered a packing fairy but she has not shown up.  Good thing I did not pay in advance.  I did order movers  (who will be here on Friday afternoon! And that is totally the DAY AFTER TOMORROW!), and I did pay for them in advance, but I already have emails and phone calls from them, so I’m feeling good about that. 
Its bittersweet because I am excited to be going home, but sad to be leaving my friends here.  And I think everyone I know, including my patients are travel agents for guilt trips.  They keep telling me that its not too late to change my mind.  Unfortuantely it is too late.  Slowly my apartment has been looking less like the place I live and more like a storage unit.  That makes me sad.  I’ve lived here for 3 years.  The first place I’ve ever lived all by myself… 
It’s also drving me crazy because there are boxes everywhere, I still have stuff to pack, but really no place to put it.  And I’m trying to work full time (which has been hard the last couple of weeks because we are SO busy and I have worked overtime the last 3 days and I don’t need that- I need to get out of there early!  So I can come home.  And pack!) 
I am also insane because for some reason I decided that it was a great idea to make 6 (yes 6!) recipe books for my co-workers as gifts.  This would not be a big deal except that there are about 160 recipes to print out, cut out, file and put in the book.  And unfortunately, they are not formatted in the file on the computer nor or they in the proper order.  So, I have to do all of that after I print and copy the recipes.  So not only am I trying to move, I’m doing this at the same time.  The next time I decide to do something like that, I want someone to slap me. 
And my mom is so excited and asks me every day if I am.  Honestly, I’m just too tired to be excited.  Exhaustion is the reason I haven’t posted in over a week.  By the time I get home, get packing/recipe book done I am too tired to write.  But tonight I went to dinner with some of my friends and I didn’t pack a thing.  I did finish my recipe books last night, wrapped them and took them to work today.  (Didn’t give them to anyone, will do that tomorrow- last day, boo hoo!)
And tomorrow is my last day at work.  I cleaned out my desk today, and almost cried when I carried my box out.  I’m sure I will boo hoo tomorrow when I have to say goodbye.  This is going to be so hard!!  I’m sure I’ll be back soon to tell you all about it.  If I don’t get packed in a box.  Or a suitcase. 

January 15, 2007

My computer ate my post!

Filed under: I'm Movin' On,The Fam — by corazondeswiss @ 8:49 pm

I really did write a post last week.  I spent lots of time on the computer last Friday.  I was all excited because C1rcu1t C1ty shipped my precious laptop back to me after replacing the DVD/ROM drive that had gone bad.  And its up and running, yay!!  After I’ve spent hours putting programs back on it and updating windows and explorer and stuff like that after having to reset it (twice!) in an attempt to fix it before CC would let me ship it to them in order to have it fixed.  But again, my laptop is up! and running! YAY! 

I’ve been trying to get all organized and get stuff synchronized between my laptop and my desktop because I want to put the desktop in storage and only take my laptop to my parents house.  Space saving and all that.  Remember I am downsizing from my one bedroom apartment to one bedroom in my parents house.  And I am packing boxes.  The cats are so helpful with all this box packing.  Getting in boxes, getting out of boxes, knoking packed boxes over.  So many boxes.  What on earth posessed me to think this was such a great idea?  Oh yeah, saving money and being with my family. 

So, anyway I totally had a post basically written and then the connection to the wireless router bit the dust.  I hadn’t saved the post.  And then I was annoyed that it was gone.  And now, I have no idea what I wrote about.  I’m sure it was delightful, and if I’m lucky it will come back to me.  

It’s been a Monday today- tons of patients at work, but not so much with the patience on my part, theirs or the nurses at times.  Oh well.  Its over and I’m home now.  In my pj’s.  Contemplating changing the sheets on my bed.  And the laundry.  But I might let the laundry go at least one more day. 

January 4, 2007

Happy 2007!

Filed under: I'm Movin' On,Ringwatch 2007 — by corazondeswiss @ 8:55 pm

Happy New Year, internet!  I know I have been lax about posting thus far this year.  With the start of 2007, I can now officially begin Ringwatch 2007 (AKA Swiss awaiting CP giving her the damn ring already). 

I’ve been busy since my last post- I undecorated my apartment, boxed up all the Christmas decorations and started boxing up things I can live without for now, and while I am staying at my parents.  So far I have 2 boxes of things to donate (and I’m not done yet).  I also have 2 boxes of candles and various holders (which leads me to believe I may have too many of them) as well as my barware.  Which I may regret later.  Or I can just drink out of plastic cups.  At the rate things are going, I may need some alcohol to make it through this move. 

However, I am taking this weekend off to go and visit CP.  And also, apparently his mother (who will be staying with him on Friday night on her way to see her mother.)  Why she has to stay the night at his place, I don’t know (its only about an hour from his parents’ to his place, so its not like she’s making this giant head start on the 3-4 hour trip, but I digress).  I also don’t why he thinks he needs to sleep on the couch instead of in his bed with me.  There are several reasons why I feel this way- 1) Its no one else’s business what does or does not go on behind closed doors.  2)Its HIS apartment.  HE pays the rent.  I didn’t like it when they decided that I couldn’t stay with him at his apartment during his graduation weekend and insisted I stay in a hotel room (what would his grandmothers think?) But I did it because they paid the bills and I wanted to respect their wishes.  3) In their home I have been respectful and we have slept in separate beds and will continue to do so as long as we are unmarried and those are the rules in their home. 

Seriously though internet, enough is enough.  I mean, hell he stayed in a hotel room with me, my mom, and my sister and we shared a bed there.  We shared a hotel room at my cousin’s weddding (with 1 king size bed) and my parents knew.  Surely, by now his parents MUST KNOW we’ve slept in the same bed.  And we’re freakin’ adults!! The presence of his mother this weekend, even just for Friday means that I am very sure that there is no possibility of a ring. 

In other busy things I’ve been doing- I’ve finished (I think) loading my CD collection onto my computer for my iPod for what is NOW the 3rd time.  I messed up the 2nd time around. Hopefully the 3rd time will be the charm.   I’ve completely restored my iPod to the factory settings and am now converting music from Windows Media Player to iTunes.  I also had to order an external hard drive twice because the first order was cancelled by the store WHO FAILED TO NOTIFY ME via email and found out when I went to pick it up at the store on Monday.  Fortunately, I was able to order it from another store and picked it up the next day. 

In the midst of all this busyness was the fun of New Years Eve which I spent in the company of Rocket Scientist, Soon to Be Dentist and Her-Eyes-Are-So-Blue!, friends of mine from college.  STBD and HEASB are twins (not identical-she’s blonde, he’s not!). It was a fun evening spent out at AMI at RS’s family house, a local bar, preceded by a sushi dinner.  Yum.  I went to bed sometime in the 2AM area and somehow managed to get up at 6:30 and go to work.  I was not actually hungover, but my body was doing a damn good impression. 

Work this week is a bit on the sucky side as one of the other OT’s had his last day.  And we’re now short staffed, but I’m not sure what my boss is planning.  I feel the worst for my other OT’s because my time there is short- so I can probably withstand it. 

Speaking of withstanding, I may not be able to withstand the neighbors suround sound.  My god, the FLOOR IS VIBRATING.  I may not even be able to withstand the evening, let alone the next 3 weeks.  Okay- I am off to watch my must-see-tv and do some packing.

December 28, 2006

Christmas, unwrapped

Filed under: I'm Movin' On,Random Cheesiness — by corazondeswiss @ 10:11 pm

Hi internet!  I bet you were beginning to think I had fallen off the planet.  I did not- just went to PC.  Which can be like falling off the planet, especially when there is a holiday is involved. Since I’ve been back, I’ve been working on the move- thus far I have booked the rental truck and the movers.  I’ve resigned my current job.  I need to call the gal in Central Supply and start getting the boxes.  And I need to buy tape.  Lots of tape.  My plan is to begin this weekend by taking down the Christmas decorations and boxing them up.  Then I’m going to begin by going through and throwing away/giving away what can be given/thrown away.  And I am so so so tired just thinking about it all!

So, on to the unwrapping of Christmas gifts- from my family a diamond circle necklace, a new flat panel tv with dvd, orange and blue jewelry, iFlop for my iPod, a purse knitted by my grandmother a sister saying from my sister of course! .  From CP’s parents a necklace and bracelet, from M- a friendship bracelet.  Good stuff my friends, good stuff! 

I’ve been looking at real estate websites in PC for houses until my eyes water.  Ugh.  That is going to be not so much fun.  Fortunately, its a buyers market right now, and there are lots of things on the market so I can afford to take my time and look for exactly what I want.  (Although I think I have champagne taste on a beer budget) 

Goodnight internet- I’m off to catch some zzzz’z

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